Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Phrasal Verb Activity

Phrasal verbs are super popular in English. I don't even realize it when I use one. Below is a paragraph with some common phrasal verbs. From the context of the paragraph, try to figure out the meaning. You can comment on this post with the answers or wait a couple of days for the answers! Good luck!

     One afternoon Sally was walking through the woods. Suddenly she came across something strange. She walked over to it and looked at it from every angle. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It looked like a map, but it had little drawings all over it. It was also very old and she couldn't make out everything that was written on it. One thing that she could understand though was "Watch Out" written in big bold letters. She was scared but also intrigued. She picked up the map and took it home.

to be continued...

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