Thursday, April 18, 2013

OH the Suspense...

So I'm sure you are all wondering about the answers to the phrasal verb activity and how the story will continue. Well, here you go....

1. Come across: To find something unexpectedly, Sally found the map without looking for it.

2. Make out: to read or see well, Sally couldn't read all of the words or drawings on the map

3. Watch out: a warning to be careful, the warning on the map is saying that there is danger

4. Pick up: to lift something, Sally grabbed the map from the ground and lifted it up.

What happens next?

      After dinner, Sally asked to be excused from the dinner table and went to her room. She studied the map and discovered that it was a map to find hidden treasure. She came up with a plan to find the treasure. She called her good friend Oliver to help her. She wanted someone to go with her if it was going to be dangerous. It looked like the treasure was near a building by a very large tree. There was also something else next to the tree that she couldn't make out.  Oliver and Sally thought and thought and thought but couldn't think of a place like this.

     The next day at school they asked around but no one knew of a building near a large tree.
After school, Sally asked her parents if they knew of building near a very large tree. Her dad thought about it and told her about an old abandoned church on a hill. Next to the church was a very large tree. This had to be the place and it wasn't very far. Sally called Oliver right away, she wanted to leave that night. To get away with sneaking out, she pretended to be sick and told her parents that she was going to bed. Then she climbed out onto the roof and climbed down a tree.

To be continued....

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