Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How does it end????

I have left you hanging* for quite a little while. I apologize. I am back to give you the answers to the phrasal verbs from the last post "Oh, the suspense." I will also finish the story today.

Came up with: made or thought of, Sally thought of a plan to find the treasure.

Looked like: to appear or seem, Looking at the map, it appeared like the treasure was near a tree and a building.

Asked around: Asked many different people the same question, Sally and Oliver asked many people if they knew of a large tree that was near a building.

Get away with: to not be caught, Sally told a lie so that she wouldn't be caught sneaking out of the house.

       After her escape, Sally ran to Oliver's house. It was very close to the old church by the large tree. When they arrived to the abandoned church, they searched all over for a clue to where the treasure was.
      "Maybe we can find a clue in the church," Oliver said.
      "Okay, let's take a look," agreed Sally. They tried to open the door, but it was locked. There was another door around the back side of the church. They went to try that door. That door was also locked.
      "We are going to have to break in," Sally said. They saw a hammer next to the door and started pounding on the door. It was so old the door swung open easily. Once inside, they started to look around for anything that would help them find the treasure. On the map, it looked like there would be a sign telling them where to look.
      They were deep inside the church when they heard a loud noise and then a creaking sound. Sally and Oliver both looked at each other with wide eyes. Then they heard footsteps, and it sounded like they were coming their way. Sally started to break down, she was so scared. "We shouldn't have come here. There was that warning on the map that it was going to be dangerous!!!"

       Oliver was scared too and said, "Let's get out of here!"
       They started to run when Sally heard her name being called. They stopped in their tracks. "The ghost knows my name!!!!" she yelled.
       Just then, her father, John, came around the corner. Sally was both relieved and frightened because she sneaked out of the house. Her father was upset but also happy that Sally was okay. "I thought I would find you here. Come on, let's go home, you too, Oliver."
      "What about the treasure?" asked Sally to her father.
      "We will talk about it when we get home," said her father.
      When they got home, Sally ran to her room. She was grounded for two weeks for sneaking out of the house. After the two weeks were over, Sally asked her parents if she could look for the treasure.

      "How about we go together," suggested her mother. So they went to Oliver's house and then up to the church that was next to the big tree. While looking around, they saw an old sign with a symbol on it. It matched the symbol on the map. They started to dig underneath the sign and ran into a box. Sally took the box out of the hole and opened it up. What did she find? Another map!

The adventure continues...

*Leave you hanging: waiting in suspense

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