Thursday, August 22, 2013

Student Work-Advanced 2-Descriptive Story


By:  Laura Eudenbach

None of the people who knew her would have thought that her soul was tormented like this. No one who had ever talked to her would even consider that in the security of her home she would let go and let something take over  she could not even describe. It was inside of her and she could not get rid of it. Why does this happen? She did not know. It was not that she had had a bad childhood on which she could blame her sadness on. She was adopted, but she never had the feeling that it really hurt her. She had been happy for so long. She remembered the moment her mind decided to torture her. She had been lying in her bed. It was 2:33am. She woke up and felt unsettled, so she got up to drink 2 glass of water. It was nearly completely dark, only the moon illuminated part of her small kitchen and it happened. Like a demon entering her soul. Like something sucking the life out of her. Everything suddenly felt so dark. Nothing worth living for. She went back to her bed and felt the pain in her chest. The feeling you get when you know something is about to break your heart. She cried till she fell asleep.

It had taken a toll on her appearance. She used to be strong, beautiful, glowing from the inside out. Looking into the mirror now she felt disgusted by the way she looked. Her blonde hair was hanging from her scalp, dry, unbrushed. Her face looked death. Her eyes were lifeless, her lips chapped. Her cheekbones standing out. All her bones. She was so thin, weak. She could not eat. Thinking about it, maybe people did notice. Maybe they just did not say anything. Busy with their lifes- their jobs, loved ones, homes. People choose to ignore her pain. Her. Others

Sometimes it just happens you become sad and you do not feel life is worth living for. You don't know why. It's a disease-creeping up on you. Like cancer. She did not want to be sad anymore, so she ended it. Just like that. Her life was draining out of her. You could see it. Her blood was coloring the water. First it was a pastel pink, getting darker and darker. She got weaker and weaker. All her life was in the water. And her eyes closed forever.

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