Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day

Earth Day is a worldwide holiday, celebrated on April 22nd since 1970, to support protection for the Earth's environment and promote peace. Cities all over the world hold Earth Day events to promote ways to protect the environment, also referred to as sustainability.

Here in Denver, there is a fair or party at the Civic Center Park from 10AM to 2PM. The entire event will be powered by solar power.  An emerging resource for electricity, especially in Colorado, converting the sun's energy to usable electricity or power.

At the Denver Earth Day Fair, there will be demonstrations on how to garden, compost (recycle food into dirt), how to make your own cleaning products, and much more "How To" demos. 
In addition, there will be delicious food from food trucks, that use locally raised food, and you can test drive the new electric luxury car, the Tesla. 

In Fort Collins, Colorado they have implemented "the most ambitious eco-plan of any city in the country" according to the newspaper, Parade, April 19th edition, "Under the city's Climate Action Plan, they'll reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80 percent in 15 years and will be carbon neutral by 2050."
Earth Day reminds world citizens on what they can do to protect "Mother Earth".  One easy way is to recycle your water bottles, soda cans, and paper.  You can take it one step further, and bring your own water bottle to refill, rather than using the disposable or throw away bottles.  Also, when you go shopping you can bring your own bags.  Many cities in the United States and Europe require you to use your own shopping bags.  Also, you can choose to take public transportation, walk or ride a bike, a practice not many Americans do but should.

How does your country celebrate Earth Day?  If your country does not have any events on Earth Day, perhaps you can start one or at least do your part to spread the word about respecting the Earth's environment. 

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