Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Volunteer Day- February 24th!

This Monday the whole school took the day off from their books and went out and helped others. We split the students up into 4 different groups. One group, our B1/B2 and I1 students, went to the warehouse for Bienvenidos Food Bank. We learned that the food that is donated to this Food Bank feeds over 200 families in the Denver area. We also learned that most of the time it is only 2 people that do all of the sorting. We were glad to help sort a bunch of food that was donated through a 9 news food drive. Here are some pictures of the students working:

The other 3 groups of students (I2-A2) went to volunteer at Grant Street Soup Kitchen. Every Monday, Grant Street feeds over a 1000 people. Our students got to prep the food and serve it. Here are the pictures!

Coming soon... Essays from the students about their experience!

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