Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Party!

Halloween was so much fun! We had a great time at the party. 

First there was the pumpkin carving contest: 

Next: Apple Bobbing! 
The winners were Madani Mahmoud and Lucian Dietsche!!! Congrats!

There were so many great costumes! Thanks for dressing up. The costume contest winners were: 
 Kohki Iwamoto and Thamara Gimene Penafiel 

Here are some other pictures from the party. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Woah! I can’t stop smiling, I am sure you all had fun. I think I must also book a good party venue for the Halloweens this time. Thanks for sharing some cool activity ideas and the arrangements, I would love to surprise my best buddies like this, loved your post!
