Monday, June 24, 2013

Outside Denver Part 4 - The Garden of the Gods!

The Garden of the Gods is close to Colorado Springs, and boasts some incredible rock formations. The park used to belong to Charles Elliott Perkins, the head of the Burlington Railroad. Although he first bought the land to use as a home, he never built anything. Instead, he made it open to the public for everyone to enjoy. It was officially made a public park in 1909, when Perkins’ children gave the land to the City of Colorado Springs.

So how did the park get its name? In 1859, two men were exploring around Colorado Springs for a place to build a new town. When they came across the rock formations in the center of Garden of the Gods, one said that it would be a great place for a beer garden. His friend replied, “A beer garden? Why it is a fit place for the Gods to assemble. We will call it the Garden of the Gods.” That has been the park’s name since then!

There are 15 miles of trails around the park for those who love to walk and hike. Dogs are welcome, as are those who would rather ride their bikes! There are also stables nearby where you can take a guided trail ride on horseback, and get a new perspective on the park!

If you just want to relax and take in the beautiful scenery, there are two picnic areas in the park. Bring food, friends, and a camera and enjoy the Garden of the Gods!

Formation: a structure or arrangement of something 

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