Monday, September 30, 2013

Friday Activity-Jumpstreet

Most of you guys missed out on a very fun exciting Friday activity. We went to Jumpstreet!


If you don't know what Jumpstreet is, it is an indoor trampoline park. You can jump on long strips of trampoline and if you are really good you can do flips! None of us that went could do flips, but we had a great time. There was also a basketball court where you could dunk the ball! So much so that we all needed to refuel with some food and take a good nap afterwards! Enjoy the pics!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Friday Activity- DU Soccer Game

This Friday we went to a University of Denver (DU) soccer game. It was a pretty cool evening, but we had fun none the less. DU played Bradley and after 2 overtimes, still ended with a tie, 2-2.

Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Friday Activity: Santa Fe Art Walk

Last Friday we went to the First Friday Art walk on Santa Fe. 

There are a plethora of art galleries along Santa Fe and would take a whole evening if not longer to see the art in all of them. 

We spent 3 hours enjoying the beautiful art and speaking with the artists.

 Our favorite artist was Frank Martinez. Check out this painting below!

  One interesting gallery was called 7up where artists had to paint 7 4x11 paintings in 7 days.

We also ran into a block party!

Overall, it was a little crowded, but a lot of fun! You can enjoy art on Santa Fe free on the first Friday of every month. If you didn't get to go this time, you should go next month!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Horseback Riding!

Last Friday we went horseback riding at 12 miles stables. It was a really fun experience. Here are a few pictures! Enjoy!


Yee Haw!!!